Jira issue


  • Filter by title ✅ 2023-08-08
  • Enable filter clearing ✅ 2023-08-08
  • Tests ✅ 2023-08-08

e.g. filter by run number components/Filters/RunsFilter/runNumber.js defines the filter component. On input, it calls runModel.setRunsFilter(e.target.value)

this filter component is used in runsActiveColumns.js which is rendered in the filtersPanel in Runs/Overview/index.js. the filter component is passed filteringModel, globalModel in filtersPanel.js:41

the filteringModel is Model.runs, or the runs model. so it calls Runs.js:389

This does this.runFilterValues = runs.trim(), this._applyFilters() which fetches all runs /api/runs

runs object has EORReasons

Before lunch: I added a setRunEORReasonFilter and getRunEORReasonFilter to the model, as well as a _runEORReasonFilter. I added a component runEORReasonFilter.js and an endOfRunReason active column. This appears to display in the filters panel as well as the table. (only table if visible: false)

So I think I’ve made the frontend? So I just need to figure out what the EOR reasons are and how they’re got from the database. I can look at the run detail page for that!

Applying filters On each filterModel.Observe we add a hook that calls RunsModel.fetchAllRuns() which gets the query params by this._getFilterQueryParamsm which formats url query like so

...this.runFilterValues && {

	'filter[runNumbers]': this.runFilterValues,


Then request /api/runs

First we have a dtoValidator to validate the request, which uses a library called joi.


Recieves data type object with query, which contains filters filters extracted from this

then for each filter, make a filteringQueryBuilder

  • which references columns in Run that satisfy some values
    • e.g. filteringQueryBuilder.where('triggerValue').oneOf(...triggerValues);
  • But for EOR reasons it’s more complicated.
    • we need eorsWithReasonsWithCategory we want a list of EORs where the reasonType.category matches the given category.

In eorreasonjs we have a sequelize define and a sequelize associate. The associate builds defines a relationship between EorReason, Runs, and ReasonTypes. ReasonType has an alias reasonType.

In our query builder, this will find all eors with the reason type 2

const qb = new QueryBuilder().where('reasonTypeId').is('2')
const eorsWithReasonsWithCategory = await EorReasonRepository.findAll(qb)

And we get the associated runs

filteringQueryBuilder.where('id').oneOf(eorsWithReasonsWithCategory.map(({runId}) => runId))

So if we want the runIds for eorReasons where the category is a certain value:

const eorReasonsWithCategory = await EorReasonRepository.findAll({
	attributes: ['runId'],
	include: {
		association: 'reasonType',
		where: { category: { [Op.eq]: eor.category } },

attributes are the columns we want from eorReasons, association is the associatons defined sequelize associate.

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  • Add to form ✅ 2023-08-07
  • Attach to model ✅ 2023-08-07
  • include in url param ✅ 2023-08-07
  • Controller, data validation ✅ 2023-08-07
  • Repo ✅ 2023-08-07
  • test ✅ 2023-08-08

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