✍️ Joes notes
Dark mode
Light mode
Bugs in Software Engineering
CERN Summer Student Programme
private map (example)
public map (example)
Software Engineering
Web Development
ALICE Data Aquisition and trigger
ALICE O2 Bookkeeping
ALICE O2 System
ALiECS Presentation
Anatomy of a VueJS Component
Bayesian or Subjective statistics treats probability as a degree of belief
Being lonely and being alone are different
Bike maintenance resources
Busy beaver functions turn infinite problems into finite problems
Central limit theorem
Claim tax paid in UK as tax credit in France
Collections workflow
Column not found errors in full stack web development
CommonJS require() and module.exports
Computer Science
Consensys software engineer
Core habit
Cyber security past and present
DAQ Filtering
Datataking in ALiECS
Designing Data Intensive Applications
DFAE Legitimation card permits residence in switzerland
Don_t mix behavior based components with the actual DOM
Everyday carry
FastAPI GET request exposes parameters from Depends()
Fixing TS2556 error
Frequentist statistics treat probability the limiting frequency
Full text search for note retrieval
Geneva PACS
Geneva PACS is recognised by CERN
Github actions Checkout
Gradient background in tailwindcss
Handling state in MirthrilJS
Implementing JSDoc interface with ES6 classes results in no-unused-vars error
In Javascript, prefer to use the strict equality operator
In O2WebUI use flex-wrap instead of css breakpoints
Inheritance using Interfaces in JSDoc comments
Insert new rows into a table returning values from which the rows are based but are not inserted
Integration testing in Javascript with Puppeteer
Introduction to particle accelerators and beam dynamics
Kit your shit to decentralise chaos
LATCH Information Architecture does not cover relatedness
LATCH Information Architecture in obsidian
Left join in SQL to get rows that do not exist
Life Maintenance is not the goal
Never suppose the context in a component
No such thing as bad weather
O2 WebUI
O2B Controller Anatomy
O2B Integration test suite dependencies
O2B Models and Views implementation
O2B-825 link logs to LHC fills
O2B-861 Search _ Filter for EOR reason
O2B-927 Ticket log titles
O2B-937 About page enhancements
O2B-944 Log style improvements
O2B-946 Add LHCFill Relation to log table
O2B-947 Add LHCFill to create log API
O2B-948 Update API route for filtering logs by lhcFills
Object destructuring javascript
Outside is better
Position static and z-index
Proxy objects in Typescript
Questions in French
React useEffect hook
Remote Work Cafes
Return both dispatch and bindActionCreators Redux
Sequelize seed validation error
Software bill of materials
Spawning child processes with node
State Pattern in Python
Statistics for Particle Physics
Statistics links physical theories with experiments
Terminating a rental contract early in France
top utility linux command line
Trig points
Typesafety with mixins in typescript
Typescript .d.ts files are not supported by webpack 1.13
Use anchor tags only if they are for navigation
Using and parameterising json updates in postgresql
Using the clipboard in puppeteer headless
Vue Composition API
Vue Router $route undefined
You cannot pass additional headers in websocket requests
You deserve to show up to yourself every day
React useEffect hook
React useEffect hook
Graph View
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