Up: O2B-825 link logs to LHC fills

Many to many relationship, we need a log environments table

Add association from logs to logLhcfills and from lhcfills to logLhcFills:

// lhcFill.js
LhcFill.associate = (models) => {
		models.Log, { through: 'log_lhcfills' })

We need to create a repository

Then we create an adapter

  • Adapters convert database objects to entities and vice-versa.

Then we make a migration npx sequelize-cli model:generate --name LogLhcfills --attributes logId:integer,lhcFillNumber:integer,

To test the migration, I had to undo and redo the migrations, ensuring that the project was running in the background.

Info how I did this here

The naming thing: I have tried